The All-Star Coach Selection Process
Who Is Eligible to Manage an All-Star Team?
Current Head or 1st Assistant coaches in the Division that All-Star team is drawn from (‘Minors’ for 8-9-10’, ‘Majors’ for 11U and 12U teams)
Manager or 1st Assistant Coach of a previous All-Star team in the CNYLL program
The CNYLL Board of Directors may select an All-Star Manager candidate as necessary to ensure a suitable Head Coach (Manager) is available by the date of tryout and/or player selections
How Does One Apply to Manage an All-Star Team?
Candidates to coach an All-Star team must submit a written application to the Player Agent. The application may be a document or email received by the Player Agent by the published deadline communicating a desire to coach.
Application Letter should include a candidate’s case for selection as manager to include documented coaching experience within CNYLL or in other community sports programs, any previous All-Star experience, and/or relevant information regarding coaching philosophy or unique skills that might further qualify the applicant.
How are All-Star Managers selected?
The Head Coach will be chosen before the players are selected.
The Player Agent will review each application to ensure all required information is included.
The Player Agent will present candidates at each level of All-Star play for the Board to vote on.
Each candidate is able to receive votes with the majority vote-getter named head coach.
Board Members with conflicts of interest with any applicant will be asked to recuse themselves from the voting process.
NOTE: In the case where there are multiple head coach applicants, and there is a question as to whether a head coach applicant’s child will be selected to the team, the Board reserves the right to name a head coach as well as alternate(s).
How are All-Star Assistant Coaches selected?
Assistant Coach candidates are approved, but coaches are not selected by the Board.
The Head Coach will select (2) assistants from pool of Board-approved candidates
Additional coaches may help out at practice at the Head Coach's request, but may not be on the field or in the dugouts during the games. However, all coaches must be coaches who have been cleared by CNYLL to coach and/or volunteer (e.g. background checks, safety certifications, etc.).
NOTE: If the Head Coach or one of the official Assistant Coaches must miss a game, a substitute coach may be named temporarily or permanently as per the official Little League policy.